On this page we are going to give you the best advice if you are currently searching for an Xbox Series X. These consoles can be very difficult to find due to the chip shortage that they have suffered since 2020.
If you are trying your best to find one, we will give you our best advice to make sure that you grab one before they go out of stock.
Bookmark the site:
We will be monitoring stock here on this site so the best thing that you can do is bookmark, so you are able to get back to it quickly. We will also give you updates on the PS5 as well and that means that you are able to get these consoles before they go out of stock. We will monitor all of the top outlets so you can find something that will work for you and make sure that you have the best chance to pick up one of these consoles.
Stay away from over-priced consoles:
We recommend staying away from overpriced consoles. You will commonly find that you can see them in stock on eBay and other auction sites and sometimes they can be sold by separate sellers on Amazon. The problem it is that they commonly hike the price is right up and you will end up spending a lot of money to be able to pick up your console. We recommend not doing this and making sure that you just find one in stock.
The Secret:
The secret is to set up Google notifications and alerts. If you go to Google when you type in “Google alerts” you will be able to set it up so it will notify you as soon as it notices some keywords and news about certain topic. If you make sure that you ask it to notify you every time PS5 stock or Xbox Series X stock is mentioned this will give you the best chance to be able to pick up one of these elusive consoles.
Make sure that you bookmark this site as well we will be updating with all of the major stockists, so you are able to pick up the console and see all of them in stock as soon as they are available.
Thanks for reading and stay chain this we will update shortly on the Xbox series x stock.
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